Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I am gonna try a fast.....

A fast car? A fast motorcycle? No, a juice fast. I know, "The Queen of Steak and Microbrews" going on a fast? It sounds like crazy talk, but there it is! I watched a documentary called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross on Netflix and I decided I could try to detox my system by juicing. I have lost about 30 pounds since my last post in May - nothing to get excited about; certainly not breaking any weight loss records, but it was effortless. It's not like I tried any specific plan... I just went out less and drank less...not a lot, just a little...less. There have been plenty of champagne brunches and ribs and steaks in the last six months (truth be told, over the last few years) so I have decided to detox - and if I lose a little weight too, so much the better! My daughter and I were involved in a pretty major car accident in September - and are just now getting back to a normal routine. I was nursing a sore knee, wrist and back for the last few weeks. Still not 100% and very tense and sore, so the whole treadmill/exercise thing has taken a huge backseat. So, back to this fast.... I started it on Saturday but of course, poor planning - I forgot about Sunday brunch (which I had been looking forward to all week) so I blew it on ribs, and champagne Sunday (damn) and restarted it yesterday. So, today is technically day two. The basic premise is you drink nothing but fruit and vegetable juice and water for 10, 15, 30 or even 60 days - whatever you're into, to detox your system. Let me preface straight away that I do not now, or anytime in the near future, plan on detoxing from caffeine! I gave up smoking and am prepared to fore-go my beloved champagne for a month, but there is no way in hell I am giving up my coffee! I don't want to and I don't care if there are purists out there who poo-poo my fast because I am still poisoning my system with caffeine. That being said, I bought a juicer and was challenged to start a blog about my journey to juicing. So, I vow to blog more than once a week. I can't promise to blog daily, I just don't have that much to say about it yet - but I will keep ya'll updated on my journey. So far...so good, nothing to eat (except an apple) since Sunday afternoon and I feel fine. I haven't really hit the "detox blahs" but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I still have a cup of coffee every day. I hear caffeine withdrawals suck, but I choose to not go through that... I just love the taste and effects of coffee and I am not planning on stopping the coffee ritual when the detox is over. This is not a lifestyle change for me although my vegan friends are so happy.... it's temporary, there is an end date and it is December 14th... maybe sooner if I catch a cow or pig anytime soon; I will let you know.

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