Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How can purple not taste good?

I have been up for an hour and made a pot of coffee but haven't even had any (or felt like having any) WTH? I got up.... asked my partner if he wanted coffee - stupid question, right? And he said "are you gonna have any?" I said "I refuse to deprive myself of coffee for a veggie juice fast!" So, I made a pot of coffee... made my juice, made his toast (coffee and toast in the morning is my routine) and only had the juice. Holy Shit.... the coffee hasn't called me yet; my vegan girlfriend is gonna fall over with pride!

I dunno if lack of desire for caffeine is a side effect of juicing, but I stayed up till 1:00am last night - which anyone who knows me will tell you that is UNHEARD of for me, and I got up at 8:00 feeling great. My partner's drinking his coffee right now, and it smells so good but I am still working on my juice and super happy with that.

Last night I was craving Turtles' Chicken Marsala so bad. It's my "death meal" my "if I were on death row, what would I order for my final meal" meal. The wait staff at Turtles know it, too. I do not even get a menu anymore when I go there... they KNOW. Anyways, I was seriously plotting my boycott of my fast to get a chicken marsala today. Went to bed - survived the craving and am having my yummy cabbage beet juice. First "screw this fast" craving that I have overcome! But today I still really want it and I am not interested in being deprived. Come on, how could you not want this?

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't get past the chicken marsala craving... the only thing that saved me just now is Turtles doesn't serve it before 5:00pm. I broke down and had and a bowl of pink grapefruit and a cup of coffee. Yeah, I am eating fruit on my juice only fast. There it is; I own it.


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