Saturday, November 19, 2011

I think I can, I think I can

I see the trend that I am gonna' be blogging a day behind events. I am too tired at the end of the day to get it all out on the computer and it seems after a day's done... I just want to go to bed. Yesterday I was pretty on track. I made a juice for breakfast and lunch... I wanted to go out for lunch with my partner, but he was not available - so I stuck to plan. I am so easy to sway... if I put it out there that I want to be naughty, I have the perfect enabler ready and willing to take the reins and drive my wagon. When I got home, I had some grapefruit... not exactly on plan - I am not supposed to let anything solid pass my lips - but not exactly a snickers bar... either. I am gonna take it as a successful day. I also suffered for having no caffeine for two days straight. My reasoning for not making coffee yesterday was not because I was still stomach sick... but because I woke up late and did not have time to juice AND make coffee. This morning I decided regardless of plan... I am making or buying coffee in the morning; maybe not the 20-30 ounces I am used to, I may cut back, but I need caffeine... I am addicted, there's that.
Oh, I forgot to mention; my partner went out last night by himself to dinner.....we eat out... a lunch and dinner, everyday. One of the effects of this fast is I am freezing ALWAYS. I thought at first it was due to my work... I work outside and duh, it's Winter. But I am cold for hours after I get bone chilling, can't get warm, hot tub is calling me COLD. So last night I was bundled in bed and my partner decides (at my bed time) that he's hungry. I was all "have fun with that, I am not leaving my bed" So, he went out for a few hours and did our typical three beers plus dinner at Applebees and I stayed home and was good! It was no fun... but all that fun is what contributed to my weight gain over the last few years; the fun has to end sometime. So, this morning, I got up in plenty of time to make coffee AND juice for breakfast and lunch and as of the writing of this, at thirty minutes past my bed time (10:00pm) I have not had anything else today to eat or drink and I feel fine. I really need to figure out how to get more water into my system.... my breath stinks and my teeth feel fuzzy and I brush them two times a day, now. I am pretty sure from what all I have read I am burning ketones.... I am not sure how that's possible when chicken marsala's been involved... but there it is. So, tomorrow's my Sunday Brunch day... my champagne, roast beef, pesto noodle and rib brunch routine. We'll see how that goes; I may skip it or I may give in... I am not typically one for skipping brunch.

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